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is a growing group of 
Windsor residents who are dedicated
to retaining the family-focused character of the Heart of Windsor:
The Civic Center Campus and
Town Green



At their August 2, 2023 meeting, the Town Council turned down an $81,000 contract with ZFA Structural Engineers for a seismic and structural evaluation of the Civic Center buildings. Mayor Reynoza recused herself, Vice Mayor Salmon expressed the view that there was a hidden agenda to demolish the buildings, and Council member Wall questioned the expense. Council members Fudge and Potter supported the contract.


HWA hopes to see this issue come before the Council again soon, with enough votes for approval.

See KRCB news coverage, Windsor opts not to look for potential seismic vulnerabilities

  • We support the development of a unifying plan for the entire Civic Center Campus (including the community garden, oak groves and stream) and the Town Green, with improved walkability and accessibility.
  • We support keeping the services currently provided by the Library, Huerta Community Center, Town Hall and Town offices in the current Civic Center Campus.


  • We believe the entire Civic Center Campus should be retained as publicly owned land for public use.​


  • We believe that the Town should investigate and report on alternatives for upgrading, expanding or replacing the existing buildings, as needed, within the existing Civic Center Campus.

Windsor CA Huerta Gymnasium
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