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2017 Town Receives
Civic Center Visioning Plan

February 1, 2017 
Town receives final Civic Center Visioning Plan. The plan identifies preserving the Heritage Oak groves, creating an Open Space Network, and integrating the Civic Center with the existing fabric of the Town as key elements.


It envisions a mixed-use development on the Huerta Gym site (Block A) and a public event center on the Library site. The Library and Town Hall are relocated within the footprint of the current Civic Center area.


Telfer East, a fuel tank farm site owned by Telfer Oil (now Telfer Pavement Technologies), is targeted for high density residential development and rezoned as part of the 2040 General Plan Update. Telfer East is identified in the 2015 - 2023 Housing Element as underutilized land suitable for low-income housing development.



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