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2021 Foppoli resigns,
RGC wants ENA extension

April 8, 2021 

The San Francisco Chronicle publishes its first story detailing multiple allegations of sexual assault against Mayor Foppoli.

May 21, 2021

​Foppoli resigns. By August, he is under investigation by the FPPC for a conflict of interest in the RGC project due to his part-ownership of property in the Town Green area. The Council appoints Sam Salmon to the Mayor position, creating another at-large Council vacancy. The Council cannot agree on an appointment or election date, so an election is scheduled for April 12, 2022 as required by State law.

September 28, 2021

RGC requests an additional 2-year extension of Phase 2​. RGC cites the pandemic as well as the Town’s current “political situation,” and implies a legal right to the extension. Town Manager MacNab uses his authority to grant 3-months.



November 15, 2021

RGC and Makr Hospitality host a community presentation​. The presentation contains no new information about the proposal. It superimposes buildings, trees, and stock photos of smiling people on scenes of the Town Green area.



​December 1, 2021

Council approves extension of Phase 2 until June 30, 2022​. Robert Green frames his remarks as “correcting misinformation.” Among other things, he claims that he never proposed a luxury hotel, that he has been liked everywhere he has worked, and that RGC has an admirable environmental record. He also warns that another buyer could snap up the Telfer sites.


The Council agrees that Phase 2 should be extended until a 5th Council member is seated. The extension is intended to keep the project “on hold” in the interim. No Council member questions or asks the Town Attorney for an opinion on this legal claim made by RGC: "...this notice is being given at this time to preserve and reserve RGC's legal and equitable rights (including under doctrines of impossibility, impracticability and frustration of purpose and the right under Civil Code Section 1551) to claim a right to extend the performance timelines under the ENA."



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