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Civic Center Building Evaluation Requests

April 20, 2023

Town issues a Request for Proposal(RFP) for a seismic and structural review of the Civic Center buildings, due May 18.





June 21, 2023 and July 19, 2023

An item on the consent calendar to approve a contract with ZFA Structural Engineers is postponed.




August 2023

At their August 2, 2023 meeting, the Town Council turns down the $81,000 contract with ZFA Structural Engineers for a seismic and structural evaluation of the Civic Center buildings. Mayor Reynoza recuses herself, Vice Mayor Salmon expresses the view that there is a hidden agenda to demolish the buildings, and Council member Wall questions the expense. Council members Fudge and Potter support the contract.


See KRCB news coverage,

Windsor opts not to look for potential seismic vulnerabilities



See Town Council meeting discussion and references on seismic building evaluations,




2023 Civic Center building reviews:

The HWA believes that, "the Town of Windsor has a responsibility to find out the true condition of the Civic Center buildings and address any immediate safety issues. An objective, professional seismic and structural evaluation is also needed to inform long term planning efforts for the Civic Center area and prioritize work. HWA hopes to see this issue come before the Council again soon, with enough votes for approval."


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